The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall - A Review

Are you ready to cash in on the flood of search engine traffic that can make more money for your company?

You can buy the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords here. In case you haven't heard, Google is about to become a public company and offer stock to the public. The hype surrounding this milestone will increase awareness of Google and the number of people who use their search engine. There is no better time than the present to become a Google AdWords expert with the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall.

Google AdWords pay per click search engine advertising is one of the most popular online advertising programs on the net today. It accounts for up to 70% of all pay per click search engine advertising traffic to some of the largest search engine marketing campaigns on the net.

While Google Cash provides information on how to use Google AdWords to make money with affiliate programs, Perry Marshall's Definitive Guide to AdWords is geared more towards the business owner.

  • Have you tried Google AdWords and gotten nowhere?
  • Are you ready to try Google AdWords advertising but unsure of how it works?
  • Are you frustrated dealing with Google or not getting the support you feel you deserve for all the money you spend?
  • Are you constantly increasing your bids on Overture and looking for a cheaper alternative?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Definitive Guide to AdWords may be just the ticket you need to increase the return on your online advertising investment.

First, a little background. Who is Perry Marshall, and why would you trust him to teach you about Google AdWords?

If you find the free email course valuable, you'll want to buy the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords which will show you how to improve your click through rate, refine your keywords, know which match types to use, reduce your advertising expenses, and ultimately increase the return on your advertising investment.

There are 3 packages you can purchase to start improving your results from Google AdWords.

  • If you just want to learn Google AdWords basics you can get Perry Marshall's Digital Basic version for $49.00 which provides case studies from 10 different industries and shows step by step how AdWords campaigns were refined, optimized and made more profitable. This comes in the form of a downloadable PDF document.
  • There is an expanded version with an audio Q&A with Perry where he "tears apart" not just AdWords campaigns but overall online marketing strategies. What good is it if you can master Google AdWords but nobody buys because they find your site confusing? This package will help you develop a complete Google AdWords strategy for $97.00.
  • Finally, if you'd prefer to have some real human interaction, there is an option to get a hard-bound copy of the Definitive Guide to AdWords shipped to you with audio CDs containing additional tips on mastering AdWords. You also get to participate in at least 3 monthly small group call-in coaching sessions live with Perry Marshall. This version will requires an investment of $197.00.

Before you buy anything, sign-up for the free Google AdWords email course and start on the path to becoming a Google AdWords Superstar today!


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